Types of Abortion Procedures? (IPWHRM)


There are a few types of abortion that are done in clinics or hospitals. The type you get will probably depend almost entirely on how far you are along in your pregnancy. If you’re in your first trimester, you’ll likely have a vacuum aspiration. If you’re in your second trimester (meaning that it’s been more than 13 weeks since your last menstrual period), you’ll likely have a dilation and evacuation, or D&E. If you’re further along than that, you might have a dilation and extraction, or D&X. Almost all abortion procedures are out-patient, which means you won’t have to stay overnight in the doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital afterward.

Before the Procedure: When you schedule your appointment, your health care provider will probably give you some instructions over the phone. Because in-clinic abortions are considered surgeries, you may have to fast starting around midnight the night before your procedure. When you arrive at the clinic, you’ll fill out some paperwork and answer questions about your medical history. You’ll then get a pre-abortion workup, which includes a physical examination, pregnancy test, blood test, screening for sexually transmitted infections, and possibly additional testing, if your case warrants it. Many providers will also use an ultrasound to confirm how far along you are in your pregnancy and check for uterine, fetal, or placental abnormalities.

Pain Management: Your doctor will also talk to you about different types of pain management available to you during the procedure. For an in-clinic abortion, you’ll probably get local anaesthesia, meaning that your cervix will be numbed but you’ll be awake. While 600 to 800 milligrams of ibuprofen usually provides enough pain relief, your doctor might also offer you an oral medication to calm you down or mildly sedate you, so you’re awake but relaxed. If you prefer heavy sedation, meaning you’re in a light sleep throughout the procedure, you can ask if a sedative medication can be given to you through an IV.

Vacuum Aspiration (Suction Abortion): Most abortions done in the U.S. take place in the first 12 to 13 weeks of pregnancy. If you opt for an in-clinic abortion in your first trimester, you’ll have a vacuum aspiration, which you may also hear called a “suction abortion.” In most cases, your cervix doesn’t need to be prepped or dilated for this procedure. But if you’re more than about 10 to 12 weeks pregnant, your health care.

Journal of Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine is an interdisciplinary journal that explores clinical, medical, social and economic aspects of female reproductive health and medication worldwide.

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Media Contact
John Kimberly
Associate Managing Editor
Journal of Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine
Email: womenshealth@emedscholar.com