Morinda Citrifolia


Morinda citrifolia Linn is having a place with the family Rubiaceae. In India this plant is known as Indian Mulberry or Nuna though in Hawalli it is known as Noni. The Noni plant is a little evergreen tree discovered filling in open beach front locales adrift level and in backwoods territories up to around 1300 feet above ocean level. The plant is frequently discovered developing along magma streams. It's recognizable by its straight trunk, enormous, radiant green and curved leaves, white cylindrical blossoms, and its unmistakable, ovoid, "projectile like" yellow natural product. The natural product can fill in size up to 12 cm or more and has a knotty surface covered by polygonal-formed segments. The seeds, which are three-sided molded and rosy earthy colored, have an air sac connected toward one side, which makes the seeds light. This could clarify, to a limited extent, the wide dispersion of the plant all through the Polynesian islands. The develop Noni natural product has a foul taste and scent.

In the wake of planting M. citrifolia natural products will be showed up following 9 months to 1 year time span. The unripe natural product is dull green in shading and the ready natural product has a foul taste and scent. The mash has a light dull yellowish white tone. The tore organic product is delicious and harsh and Noni juice is set up from ready Noni natural product . It has been accounted for to have wide range of restorative solutions for infections like diabetes, joint inflammation, disease, hypertension, hack, cold, torment, pulse, tuberculosis, jungle fever, intestinal worms, and so forth.


Many worth added items like Noni juice, container, powder, Noni concentrates, tea, and so on are accessible in the market made out of various pieces of M. citrifolia. Among them Noni juice is generally well known for its nutraceuticals and high remedial qualities all throughout the planet. Noni juice has been as of late settled in European Union as a novel food .


Eventhough many examination work have been done for pharmacological examinations and compound structure of M. citrifolia not many examinations were completed for this plant filled in Sri Lanka. Inside similar types of plant, the structure of phytochemicals can shift with the supplement creation of the dirt, climatic season, improvement phase of the plant, regular relationship with different plants, stockpiling of crude materials and the sorts of preparing techniques, for example, drying and extraction methodology. Thusly, an endeavor was taken to assess the time span of usability of juice of M. citrifolia filled in Sri Lanka.

In the current investigation, Escherichia coli, Coliforms and Salmonella were missing at beginning stage and following a half year separately. Tallies of Aerobic microscopic organisms, Staphytococcus aureus, Yeast and Molds were <1, <100 and <1 individually in the two phases. Organoleptic properties of Noni juice was comparable at the underlying stage and following a half year. Taking everything into account, natural product juice of M. citrifolia filled in Sri Lanka can be kept at room temperature with no compound weakening and microbial defilement for a half year.

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Managing Editor

Martin lakes

American Journal of Ethnomedicine