Food Toxicology


Toxicology is the scientific study of the adverse effects caused by physical or chemicals agents in living organisms under different exposure conditions. Basically, food is a mixture of chemicals which investigates the cause, existence, mechanism and risk factors associated with toxic substances.

Usually food components are distinguished in four categories:

Nutrients, toxins of natural origin, contaminants, additives. The nutrients account for more than 99.9% of the food. The main classes of nutrients are: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals and all of them pose toxicological risks to the consumer.

Serious toxicity may result from the consumption of foods containing extraneous substances of chemical nature includes: Agriculture chemicals (pesticides & fertilizers) Heavy metals (arsenic, lead, mercury) Causes harmful effects on human health.

Food additives

Foods are produced either in sea or in and on the soil. Both these production sales are rich in substances of chemical and biological nature that are deleterious for health. When food is consumed by man, it undergoes some simplification processes to the level that by the process of digestion and absorption.

During these stages of digestion, absorption and utilization of foods, it is not surprising to find that some chemicals ingested or synthesized in the body as a result of what is eaten, are found to have adverse influence.

According to United Nations, almost 60% people in developing countries don't have access to safe drinking water and each year between 10 to 25 million people die from diseases related to unclean and unsafe water supply.

The ultimate desire of food handler, processor and distributor is to make foods safe from toxic substances. Commercially processed food if properly handled during and after processing are considered low risk.